The Cigar Academy: Where technology meets tradition!

The Cigar Academy: Learn, meet, discover, enjoy, and get certified!

The Cigar Academy was founded with the mission to safeguard, nurture, and disseminate the rich artisanal heritage and traditional knowledge of cigar making.

The Cigar Academy Certificate is the most internationally recognized cigar education degree.  From learning and discovery to certification, this academy, which is the academy of the cigar makers, embodies the convergence of technology and tradition, empowering accessibility, and equity for all.

The Academy stands as the premier source of cigar education, offering a rigorous curriculum certified by legendary cigar makers. Through bespoke courses leveraging the world’s most advanced Learning Management Systems (LMS), aficionados and professionals alike can now access an unparalleled learning experience, as provided by the leading academic, governmental, and corporate institutions.

Drying tobacco for cigars

At The Heart Of The Cigar Academy’s Offerings Are Three Levels Of Certification, Catering To Beginners, Seasoned Enthusiasts, And Accomplished Professionals

Level 1 Award:

  • Ideal for newcomers and those experienced in the world of cigars, this online course provides an exceptional brand-neutral exploration of cigar making history, processes and techniques, empowering students to enrich their knowledge and confidently navigate humidors and serve cigars optimally.

Level 2 Award

  • Building upon the foundation of Level 1, this advanced course delves deeper into the history, processes, and varieties of tobaccos, incorporating in-person workshops and events for a comprehensive learning experience.

Level 3 Diploma

  • Representing the pinnacle of structured cigar education, this high-level certification includes hands-on training at factories and farms worldwide, offering an immersive understanding of cigar production and tasting.

Shared and accessible knowledge is power. As such, we invite all cigar makers to join the Cigar Academy to help us scale up access to cigar education for all, from aficionados and cigar professionals to policy makers and regulators. Ultimately, education is our strongest weapon against misled regulations, and to help us protect and nurture the true cigar culture of our forefathers.

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