why The Cigar Academy?

The Academy of the cigar makers was founded to protect, nurture, and share the artisanal heritage and the traditional knowledge of cigar making, through a comprehensive educational programme, crafted and certified by cigar makers, which is delivered on the most advanced learning technology platform.

The Cigar Academy´s innovative EdTech platform delivers a rigorous curriculum and formal certification directly from legendary cigar makers, especially crafted for all aficionados and professionals around the world.

What is the Cigar Academy?

It is the source of a pioneering cigar educational programme that is certified by cigar makers, delivered through bespoke courses using the world’s most advanced technology in Learning Management Systems, providing an extraordinarily accessible, dynamic, and personalised learning experience, as used by the leading academic, government and business institutions.

The members of The Academy are the cigar makers, who provide cigar lovers around the world with the gateway to the fascinating world of craftsmanship, passion, dedication, and the sheer joy that is the cigar culture.

For all cigar lovers who have questions unanswered and seek authentic knowledge about the cigar culture, now there is one source to learn from the wisdom of the cigar makers.