Two Way Humidity Control Packs – Boveda®

Boveda is a company known for its innovative humidity control products, primarily used to preserve and maintain optimal moisture levels for cigars, cannabis, musical instruments, and other sensitive items. Boveda packs contain a patented two-way humidity control technology that automatically adds or absorbs moisture to achieve a specific relative humidity (RH) level, ensuring that products remain fresh and in peak condition. Their easy-to-use packs are popular among cigar aficionados for keeping cigars at ideal humidity, preventing dryness or mold.

Premium Cigar Association

Growing the Business of Specialty Tobacco Retailing

Founded in 1933 as the Retail Tobacco Dealers of America, the PCA is the largest, most active, and longest-running trade association which represents specialty tobacco retailers, and supports manufacturers and partners in the industry.

light em up

The Cigar Platform of Tomorrow.

“How we meet, enjoy, and purchase cigars is ever changing.
We make sure it’s for the better by providing you access, analysis, and diversity of content around the premium cigar experience.”

Yours, Reinhard Pohorec


World’s Largest Trade Fair for Tobacco Products and Smoking Accessories.

At the trade fair duo InterTabac and InterSupply from 18th. to 20th September, 2025, trade visitors meet top decision-makers from retail, manufacturing and the service sector. The world’s leading event for the tobacco industry brings together international market leaders and industry representatives from all areas at Messe Dortmund.

Les Fines Lames ®

Les Fines Lames is a French brand known for its high-quality cigar accessories, particularly their unique cigar knives that blend craftsmanship, functionality, and style. Their products are designed to be versatile, combining a traditional cigar cutter with everyday carry tools, crafted with a distinct aesthetic that appeals to cigar enthusiasts. Les Fines Lames is celebrated for its attention to detail, premium materials, and innovative designs that bring a modern twist to cigar-smoking rituals.

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