Arturo Fuente
Arturo Fuente is a prestigious family-owned cigar brand from the Dominican Republic, renowned for its exceptional craftsmanship and high-quality tobacco. Established in 1912 by Arturo Fuente, the company has become a symbol of tradition and excellence in the cigar industry. Fuente cigars are known for their rich flavors, complex blends, and meticulously handcrafted construction, with popular lines such as the Opus X, Don Carlos, and Hemingway. Their dedication to quality, combined with a passion for innovation, has made Arturo Fuente one of the most respected and sought-after names among cigar aficionados worldwide.
La Flor Dominicana
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) cigars are known for their bold flavors and exceptional craftsmanship, made in the Dominican Republic by Litto Gomez. LFD cigars use a combination of high-quality Dominican tobaccos, often featuring sun-grown wrappers and unique blends. They are celebrated for their full-bodied profile, complex flavors, and meticulous attention to detail, appealing to cigar enthusiasts who appreciate a rich, satisfying smoking experience. The brand’s popular lines, such as the Andalusian Bull, have garnered critical acclaim, making La Flor Dominicana a standout in the premium cigar world.
AJ Fernandez
AJ Fernandez is a family-centered cigar company based in Miami, Florida. Each cigar in his portfolio is crafted by AJ himself, showcasing his expertise as a master tobacco grower and blender. With a focus on balance, strength, aroma, and flavor, AJ’s blends offer a smooth and rich smoking experience. His creations, like New World, San Lotano, Bellas Artes, and Enclave, highlight his passion, discipline, and dedication to great tobacco. There’s a cigar for every palate in the AJ Fernandez collection, each reflecting his mastery in the art of blending.
Joya de Nicaragua
Joya de Nicaragua, established in 1968, is the oldest cigar brand in Nicaragua, known for producing premium handmade cigars from its headquarters in Estelí. Over the past 55 years, the brand has pioneered the Nicaraguan cigar industry, thriving through the dedication of its people and the appreciation of cigar enthusiasts worldwide. Quality remains the brand’s highest commitment, and while proud of its long history, Joya de Nicaragua is deeply inspired by the lasting memories created with its Amigos around the globe.
Oliva Cigars, renowned for their exceptional craftsmanship and premium quality, have become a staple in the world of fine cigars. Founded in Nicaragua, the brand is known for its rich and diverse tobacco blends, cultivated in the country’s fertile soils. The Oliva family has a long-standing tradition of producing top-tier cigars, with their flagship lines, such as the Oliva Serie V, Serie G, and Melanio, gaining worldwide recognition. With a focus on innovation, flavor, and consistency, Oliva continues to be a favorite among aficionados who appreciate the artistry and dedication behind each hand-rolled cigar.
Casa Turrent
Casa Turrent Cigars, crafted in Mexico by the Turrent family, are celebrated for their rich heritage and unique blends. With a tobacco-growing legacy dating back to 1880, the family is known for producing some of the finest Mexican tobaccos, particularly San Andrés. Casa Turrent cigars combine tradition with innovation, offering blends that highlight Mexican tobacco’s depth and character, often paired with tobaccos from Nicaragua or other regions. Popular lines like the Casa Turrent 1880 and Serie 1942 are praised for their complexity, balance, and rich flavor profiles, making them a favorite among cigar enthusiasts worldwide.
Quesada Cigars
Quesada Cigars, with over a century in the tobacco industry, began when the family transitioned from bakers in Cuba to tobacco growers in the late 1800s. In 1974, they established their Dominican operation, MATASA, starting with just three rollers and expanding rapidly. Despite a tragic loss in 2002, Manolo Quesada now runs the company with his daughters and niece. The fifth generation of the Quesada family continues to uphold their tradition of crafting premium cigars, blending heritage and innovation with over 300 employees in their Dominican facility.
Tabacalera Diaz Cabrera
Tabacalera Díaz Cabrera was founded in January 2022 by master blender Eladio Díaz and his wife, Griselda Cabrera, to share Eladio’s legacy and passion for cigars. The company creates both their own brands and private labels, aiming to express Eladio’s life story through handcrafted cigars. With over 400 blends developed, their focus is on meeting clients’ specific needs and educating their palates, continuing a family tradition of excellence in the world of premium cigars.
Luciano Cigars
Luciano Cigars began with a passion for people, creativity, and the art of crafting premium cigars. Initially a nonprofit in Estelí, Nicaragua, dedicated to providing fair wage jobs in the community, the company evolved into Ace Prime Cigars in 2019 after falling in love with cigar-making. Over the past few years, Luciano Cigars has experienced remarkable growth, transitioning into a fully independent and vertically integrated operation.
Founded by Luciano Meirelles and Tiago Splitter, the brand focuses on sourcing the finest tobacco, blending, and producing award-winning cigars under one unified name.
Crowned Heads
Crowned Heads is a premium cigar company known for its focus on craftsmanship, quality, and tradition. Each cigar is produced in small batches to ensure exceptional flavor, balance, and consistency. Combining classic techniques with innovation, the brand partners with renowned factories and master blenders to create unique cigars that stand out.
With a strong commitment to integrity and meticulous attention to detail, Crowned Heads offers cigars through select retailers who share its passion for excellence. More than just a brand, Crowned Heads represents a dedication to producing cigars that are both meaningful and memorable.
Black Label Trading Company
Black Label Trading Company creates hand crafted premium cigars of the utmost quality in small batch, highly limited quantities. This allows us to meticulously select the finest tobacco from the richest tobacco-growing regions of Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico and Ecuador. This allows our master blender, expert growers and hand rollers to produce utterly unique cigars of unsurpassed quality and flavor. Finally, this approach to cigar making replaces the standard cigar experience with the Black Label Cigar Experience.
Ferio Tego
Ferio Tego Cigars is a premium cigar brand founded by Michael Herklots and Brendon Scott, former executives at Nat Sherman. Launched in 2021, Ferio Tego continues the legacy of high-quality cigars with a focus on craftsmanship and tradition. The brand offers blends ranging from rich, full-bodied profiles to more balanced, nuanced experiences, appealing to a wide variety of cigar enthusiasts. Ferio Tego also acquired the rights to Nat Sherman’s Timeless and Metropolitan lines, ensuring these classic blends remain available alongside their new creations.
Hiram & Solomon
Since the 1800s, Brethren have bonded over cigars during and after meetings. Hiram & Solomon Cigars continues this tradition, uniting Masons with premium cigars that symbolize Brotherhood. Founded by WB Fouad Kashouty and Brother George Dakrat, the brand began in the Dominican Republic and now uses world-class Nicaraguan tobacco. In 2020, Romy Kashouty expanded the company globally, making it accessible to all. A portion of sales supports charitable causes, ensuring each cigar brings people together through the shared joy of smoking.