Individuals Who Are Passionate About Cigars Are Eligible To Enroll In This Program.
The Introductory Course of The Cigar Academy, “Cigars 101,” is a one-hour session covering cigar basics, ideal for beginners and as preparation for the Level 1 Award course.
Ideal for newcomers and those experienced in the world of cigars, this online course provides an exceptional brand-neutral exploration of cigar making history, processes and techniques, empowering students to enrich their knowledge and confidently navigate humidors and serve cigars optimally.
Building upon the foundation of Level 1, this advanced course delves deeper into the history, processes, and varieties of tobaccos, incorporating in-person workshops and events for a comprehensive learning experience.
Representing the pinnacle of structured cigar education, this high-level certification includes hands-on training at factories and farms worldwide, offering an immersive understanding of cigar production and tasting.