The Introductory Course of The Cigar Academy, “Cigars 101,” is a one-hour session covering cigar basics, ideal for beginners and as preparation for the Level 1 Award course.
Introductory Cigar Course – Cigars 101
This introductory course is designed for those curious about cigars and seeking to develop a foundational understanding of this fascinating craft. Whether you’re considering a future career in cigars, or simply want to enhance your appreciation as a cigar enthusiast, Cigars 101 is the perfect starting point.
Ideal for those with no prior knowledge, this course offers a guided journey into the essential aspects of cigars—from the origins of tobacco to understanding the diverse types of cigars and the basics of how to enjoy them. In a relaxed, brand-neutral setting, participants will become familiar with key elements such as the parts of a cigar, storage methods, and the etiquette of cigar smoking.
The course is self-paced, allowing students to absorb content comfortably at their own speed. By the end, you’ll have gained the knowledge and skills to confidently engage with the world of cigars, from selecting your own cigars to understanding their unique qualities.
Cigars 101 is also a stepping stone to more advanced learning, preparing participants to take the Level 1 Award Course. It’s the perfect introduction for anyone looking to enrich their passion for cigars or embark on a professional journey in the cigar industry.
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