Learning Outcomes Summary
The Cigar Academy Level 1:
An Ancient Tradition
- Grasp the historical significance and cultural impacts of tobacco.
- Trace geographical shifts in tobacco cultivation.
- Appreciate the craftsmanship behind cigar making.
- Critically evaluate the fluctuations in cigar popularity.
- Explore the role of Cigar Aficionado magazine.
- Reflect on the contemporary significance of cigars.
The Anatomy of a Cigar
- Understand cigar composition and the importance of the cigar cap.
- Identify layers and types of filler in a cigar.
- Recognize the complexity of cigar foot and shapes.
- Comprehend tobacco leaf selection and blending’s impact on flavor.
The Tobacco Regions
- Understand global tobacco cultivation diversity and regional specializations.
- Differentiate tobacco varietals and their uses.
- Analyze tobacco quality, cultivation trends, and socio-economic impacts.
Blends Creation: The Art and Science of Cigar Crafting
- Learn tobacco blending foundations and develop sensorial acuity.
- Master blend creation and implement quality control measures.
- Embrace innovation while respecting tradition.
Tobacco Cultivation and Harvest Process
- Understand regional differences and steps in tobacco cultivation.
- Explain modern cultivation techniques and the importance of sustainable practices.
Curing Process of Cigar Tobacco
- Understand tobacco curing basics and specialized curing for wrapper leaves.
- Assess factors influencing leaf color and explore curing barns’ role.
Fermentation Process in Cigar Tobacco
- Learn fundamentals and steps in tobacco fermentation.
- Recognize fermentation’s impact on tobacco quality and taste profile transformation.
Selecting, Sorting, and Aging Tobacco
- Understand the tobacco production process and master selection and sorting techniques.
- Knowledge of fermentation processes and expertise in wrapper preparation.
Cigar Production
- Learn the role of the cigar factory and appreciate the artistry of bunching and rolling.
- Recognize importance of draw testing and quality control measures.
Machine Made vs Handmade Cigars
- Distinguish between machine-made and handmade cigars.
- Understand manufacturing processes and technological advances.
Tobacco Varieties for Cigar Production
- Identify and describe various tobacco varieties.
- Understand the geographical origins and cultivation techniques.
Cigar Etiquette
- Master cigar cutting and lighting techniques.
- Learn proper cigar storage and appreciate the ritual of smoking cigars.
Pairing Cigars and Drinks
- Understand the principles of pairing cigars with drinks.
- Gain knowledge of specific pairings and appreciate the variety and personal preference.
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